The Stinger missile launcher in DC isn't heatseaking, but it *is* heat-sensored. In other words, if you shoot it and it goes 3 feet to the right of the UH-60 Blackhawk, then it WILL explode and do damage to it because it sensed it. It's not as good as hitting the copter directly, but it does do damage.
The RPG7's do NOT explode upon sensing armor, though. You have to actually hit the copter or tank with them. They do a LOT more damage, however.
So basically, the RPG7 is used for tanks and vehicles. The Stinger does a small bit of damage to tanks and vehicles, but two of those will take out a copter if you aim correctly. The RPG7 is also slow as hell since it's a rocket propelled grenade instead of an actual missile. The Stinger missiles are fast and weak; the RPG7 is slow and strong. Stingers explode if they get near armor, but RPG7's explode only on impact. Hope this helps!
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert