watch out on those bartons, most of them bitches are locked now. Of course, since you're looking at pc3200, you shouldn't have any trouble getting that 2500+ to about 2.2, especially with Artic Silver. Everything else looks good, although you'd probably get more bang with 2*512 instead of just one stick. Nice video card, hope you're hitting up the sale on newegg for that one, damn $219 for a 9800 Pro, that's some crazy shit.
What do you say to one last showdown?
- Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid 3
The password is "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha.
- The Colonel and Snake, Metal Gear Solid 3
Last edited by bltzkriegmcanon; 02-09-2004 at 06:27 PM..