We will all have to make choices concerning the upbringing of our children. Perhaps we may have a new understanding when we reach the point of dealing with children, perhaps not. There is very little relevence in a highschool student, deciding how to raise a non-existant child. That is not to say your opinion is irrellevant, your criticism of one who actually has the experience and is required to act in real life situations is another story.
Nothing that effects my child is taken on lightly, and literally dozens of aspects are considered in each descision.
Bear in mind that these people are not gaming, these are decisions of the utmost importance, as they effect our children forever. Thus much thought usually goes into each choice, and life experience that youth will not have had the opportunity the feel and see.
Likely many will take this rant as an affront, and that is unfortunate, but expected. No insult or degadation is intended, simply clarification concerming what a parent must deal with.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha