Originally posted by ShaniFaye
As I stated earlier....in some cases that may be the point, but these days with the advent of really good home school associations, like mine, thats not the "norm" anymore...If the child's parents think, oh hell the schools are crappy we'll just deal with this at home and leave it at that, yes it becomes a problem, but when you have a parent that realizes the potential for problems that could develop and cares enuff to see that it doesnt happen, its a great experience and opportunity for the child...I mean come on....when I was in school I was one of the geeks that was picked on constantly for being too smart, not having the right clothes etc...and I really had no friends until I hit high school and went from ugly duckling to swan so to speak....I was miserable from about the 3rd grade to the 8th grade and found any excuse I could to not have to attend school....how is that kind of situation better?
First of all, "these days" are today, and i'm in school right now, and i Am encountering homeschooled students like those. Maybe im just meeting all the wrong people.
And like i said, it may not seem like the school environment is a better surrounding for education, but a person gets educated on so many different levels. At least you've learned to cope with social pressure, and dealt with changing your personality and learned how to make friends. You went through public schooling your whole life and turned out just fine, how can it be such a bad thing?