Originally posted by KnifeMissle
Three things:
First, you were clearly provoking BoCo and not in a nice way. You were not fair or respectiveful and it's kind of a shame.
Second, BoCo is insane, but we all knew that from reading his posts.
Thridly, this is a terrible post and will probably be removed by a moderator. I can't help but notice it's brand new (less than fifteen minutes old) which explains why it's still here. All you've done here is made fun of a particular TFP memeber and I'm pretty sure that's against the TFP charter.
Now, I can't decide whether I found this conversation amusing or disturbing...
we were not making fun of him. we were arguing against his beliefs.
i asked permission to post this and was not objected to. if moderators would like to remove this thread, please do.