How fast have you gone...not related to the other thread here.
Just curious as to how fast you've gone...not as in OVER the limit, but the maximum overall speed you've obtained. For me, it's 211mph. I've been very fast in a few cars, and it's fun. Went 172mph in a Corvette, 135 or so in a Viper. The 211mph was in a purpose built pickup truck. It went like a bat, too. It made 997HP at the rear wheels, so figure about 1150 or so at the crank...maybe a little more. My next goal is 250mph or better, but finding a street legal vehicle that I can do that with is gonna be pretty tough! I'd love 300mph, but short of getting a Top Fuel ride, that probably won't happen.
Generally speaking, if you were to get what you really deserve, you might be unpleasantly surprised.