This is very common actually. When you are tired, drunk, depressed, etc., it is pretty normal to find your mind wandering or have an inability to focus. Then you try and focus, and that completely ruins your ability to truly enjoy the moment. This can also be exacerbated by having masturbated recently. Your body can only do so much, and generally you have to recharge.
This actually happened to me a few days ago. My wife and I tried 3 different times. She got a couple of orgasms, but I was unable to get off. I had only had 4 hours sleep for 3 nights running and was just exhausted. While I had fun, I was just unable to get to the point where I could orgasm. A good night's rest later, I was back to being able to orgasm even though my wife was giving me hell for even wanting to try it (since she was afraid it was a failure of hers).