Originally posted by wry1
It comes down to this: would you want your girlfriend flirting around behind your back?
Think about it this way: if she has a thing for you, then why is she still with her boyfriend? There's something of a connection between the two of them, otherwise she would have been on her merry way long before now.....
Ride it out, see if she gets rid of the guy. If so, then ask her out.
But Averett's right....don't be that guy.
yeah, fuck that. i'm not going to be THAT GUY. like i said...i'm a karma man, and even though i've gotten fucked over in the same way, i'm not going to do it to some other guy, even though he's an ass.
but i really havent made up my mind on what to do. i am concidering just asking her out for coffee or something of that nature, and just talking to her for a bit...letting her know how i feel and all. i think what i'm really caught up on not doing is just blowing it off. like people have said, theirs more regret in not doing something than doing something.
and i honestly wouldnt say that its just playfully flirting going on between us. their are things that i would really say only someone who "likes" you would do. for example...last saturday i was supposed to close with by friend. he was running behind on what he had to do, and i would have been left alone to help all these fucking customers. she decided to stay for a couple extra hours and help me out. and when she did leave, she told me that the only reason she did stay was because she didnt want ot leave me by myself. to me that really says something.