I liked the idea that when my children were born, that there was a neo-natal intensive care facility 30 seconds "roll" from the birthing room. Something about that made the birthing experience feel "safer" to my wife and me. We both agreed that we would rather be in a place we could have near instant access to emergency care facilities than in our house. It just seemed to us that we would be risking too much to have to wait on an ambulance, even if that is a just a low probability worst case scenario.
As far as homeschooling goes, I am neither for nor against it. We will not choose it for our children because we believe that academic teaching is a skilled profession that requires significant training and talent. We do not believe that we have the necessary training and talent to be the best teachers that our kids could have. That being said, I presume there are many parents who do, and I certainly don't have any problems with the choice they make, I admire their sacrifice and the effort they make for their children.