Thanks for all the advice. We already told a close couple we know. They are really supportive since they were in the same position, but they are a little younger than us and made the decision not to keep it. I was against it, but at their age, I know it was the right choice for them. And it's funny that you mentioned that Averett. We kinda went over the don't worry we're not having sex one like right before we found out, also an if you get pregnant we're going to let you deal with it, it's your deal thing as well. One of the hardest things though, is that with her being pregnant and hormones shifting and all, she has become really moody, almost like bi-polar. Where one minute she's all happy and lovey the next minute she doesn't even want to see me and wants me to leave and never see me again, then cries because she's lost in her life or things are getting too hard (excluding the pregnancy) and then after about 5-10 minutes maximum 30 minimum 2, she calms down and we actually grow closer because of this, because I love her unconditionally and will never leave her side. I tell her this and she knows it. We really love each other but have had some difficulties in the past, but got over them, but they keep slipping back up when she gets like this. I can't wait until her hormones and stuff stabalize and she gets back to normal. Because before this, she was always the greatest, sweetest, girl you would ever meet, but with a little edge, now its kinda like the edge is sweet and vice versa. Ah well, I love her to death and I always will, we're not getting married on account of the baby, we already talked about it before our break and were engaged already (not announced though) But I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and she knows that no one else will love her like I will. But we want to get stuff more organized when we do. Anyways, thanks for the advice. But still, is the direct aproach good, like should it be over dinner, sit them down to talk, casually bring it up, or how, I know we should definately tell them together, but I would like some suggestions on the method we should use. Post a couple and I'll put up a poll after I get a few I like.
-snooch to the nooch