I don't want to be a wet blanket here but... Wait a few months. At least until she's 3 months pregnant. The first 3 months can be tricky.
God, I'm a depressing person.
Anyway, my sister was in that position. Only a month before she told us she was pregnant she said "I'm not having sex!" Well guess what... she was. She was engaged at the time actually, but no real plans for marriage. She ended up tearfully telling my parents. They were upset but supportive. It was funny, my dad says to her "Are you going to tell your sister? HUH?" And I was all "What? She's pregnant?"
Long story short... My niece will be 2 in March and my parents adore her. She's great. My sister isn't with the father anymore, they broke up a few months before Shelby was born. It was for the best though.
Best of luck, I hope everything goes well with you two. Be sure to have your girlfriend get to her doctor if she hasn't already.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.