How to tell our parents we're going to have a baby.
Ok, I got a serious question for everyone. Me and my gf, who we've gone out for a year and a half only with a 2 month break in the entire time. I ended up getting her pregnant, no this wasn't a planned thing as we are both 19 in college and working at the time. We really love each other and are planning on getting married after she gets out of college in another 2-3 years. But our parents don't know we have been having sex for the last year, and we both still live at home at our respected houses, my parents just got over some issues they had with her. But everything is cool now. It has been a concern of both our parents that we not have a kid together this young, but we are not ones to abort or give up for adoption. We are moving out together within 6 months and she is only 1 month pregnant if that. We are keeping the baby no matter what and already have some names picked out. But the question is, how do we tell our parents without them getting upset or being disapointed in us or getting angry, ect. Basically what is the nice way to say this and them be happy for us? Please reply soon as the sooner we tell them the better.