Originally posted by zenmaster10665
Thanks all of you...We have tied several different pills, however, they all seem to mute her sex drive considerably...this one seems to be the best...The first one took her sex drive away completely, the second was better and this one seems to be the best...I think that maybe we should try getting her off of the pill all together and see if anything changes, but I am very reluctant to go back to condoms as there is little to no sensation for me...
Thanks again for all your suggestions...if anyone else has been through this (or something similar) or even if you just have some (helpful) advice please let me know...
just an observation...it seems its either no sensation for her because of the medication, or no sensation for you because of condoms....have you by any chance tried the non latex ones that trojan makes? I have it on very good authority from my boyfriend that they are completely different feeling from regular ones and that while its still not the "same" as bareback, there is still a whole world of difference sensation wise for him with the polyurethane ones. I know from MY perspective I can feel more of him when he's wearing one.
just a thought...