You're right wondash, it is as sedate as it gets.. that's what I like about them.. Myst: Exile had a couple of endings where you were donked on the head. No biggy. I haven't yet finished riven because at the time.. I didn't have the patience for the puzzles.
And in Uru I cheated some of the way through.. well on the puzzles that were most confounding. But when you saw the answer it was like.. why didn't I think of that.. argh! lol.
I haven't experienced any problems with the game being slow, did you update it when you got it? I changed the controls around to be similar to that of a FPS.
And with the Yeesha pages.. you have to collect around 5-6 of them before you see any noticable changes (the personalise your 'age')
There's a tonne of linking books throughout the game relating to parts of the story which make it a whole lot more interesting. In Uru you get to learn the background of the D'ni race and then eventually what happened to them.
But if you are looking for a game with lots of action.. you won't find it here. More of a thinking, enjoy the scenery type game. Either way I thought it was a good game.. too bad I don't have the money to play online, otherwise I would