My daughter has been taught at home since the age of 4 (she is now 10) this past fall she took her first Iowa basic skills test and placed in the top 2% of the nation in scores and her abilities are on a 9th grade level
The county we live in has a GREAT home school association and with all my daughters extra activites she lacks for NO social interaction and in no ways is comsidered a "fucked up" kid by anyone who knows her.
I would like to point out, selfish as it may seem, at least with her not in the public school environment she is not FORCED to to around children that I would in no way shape or form want her to be around, and by that I dont mean just normal spoiled brats, bullies, etc I mean the really really really rotten children that needed to be in prison from birth (I know some of ya'll know what I mean)
I WILL say that homeschooling may not be for everychild but in my case I do not see where it has hurt or hindered mine in the slightest...she is brilliant, she is polite, she does the same stupid 10 year old shit most other 10 year olds do lol, and she one of the most social kids I know lol
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!