Stop calling me Stereophonic!! lol
Try to get an earful of an RSW-15... it'll knock you on your ass. The RSW series are the first subs from Klipsch that actually sound good. As for bookshelves or rears, I love Definitive. Check out their C/L/R series, the largest models in the series have built in powered 10's with 150 watt amps!! I'm looking to get one of these babies as my center channel. The benefits of FULL RANGE speakers is awesome, it gives a fuller, more robust overall sound.
Originally posted by sailor420
For example, I dont generally like the Klipsch sound--I dont like the way horn driven speakers sound. Others love it (like Brandon).
whoa, Whoa, WHOA CAMEL!!!! Let's not jump to conclusions here!! I never said anything about liking Klipsch mains. They are much too bright for my tastes. I currently have Definitive BP-10 mains. They are much more balanced, with a very solid (not boomy or overpowering) low end. And they can acutally do strings (unlike Klipsch) Klipsch are awesome for home theater use, because they are an extremely effiecient speaker. I do like their RSW series subs very much. They put out a very clean and controlled note, and can get rip your face off loud if you so desire....
And KEF are fucking boss speakers.. which model do you have?