If you knowingly parked in the fire lane, pay the ticket and learn a lesson. They have fire lanes for a reason--and parking isn't one of them.
Originally posted by Chingal0
No way dude, all traffic cops are dickheads. Granted they are just doing their jobs, its their own fault for making their profession one that would ruin someones day. I could take a shit on someones salad as I tell the server to pick it up, but thats not standard practice! Unlike the traffic cops that wait in dark corners of the universe, waiting for you to go 12.3 miles over the speed limit, then nailing your ass for it. This coming from someone who is currently in a 2 month suspension for having too many speeding tickets, so it is probably a bit bitter and biased, but still. Asses.
Again--you HAVE to follow the laws. Don't like 'em? Tough shit. Boo fuckin' hoo. Your day was ruined because you have to pay a $100 fine. How do you think the guy whose house burned to the ground because you were parked in the fire lane and they couldn't get through in time feels?
Asshole. Thanks for bringing up insurance rates for all us sane drivers.