I wanted to home-school my son until I saw him in play groups. I disappeared when my son was with his peers. He was immediately outgoing and I could never stay long enough to suit his social needs.
I also have a great public school in my neighborhood. I volunteer on Tuesdays and my sons constant misbehavior ensures that either my husband or I are in daily contact with his teacher. (No Kidding!) But even though he's always being corrected he loves school! He's just testing everything and everyone around him, that's the kind of kid he is.
I believe that when he gets into his teens, I'll end up home-schooling. School, unless it changes dramatically, will be way too boring for him. Also I like the idea of choosing his subjects at that age. Especially what history he will learn! I also hope that his social ties are strong enough by then that he'll still see many friends without actually going to school.
Now I'm way off into the future! Surely he'll surprise me as he always does. I guess my point is that I agree with you who said it's the parent AND the child that make home-schooling work. We have different needs and abilities that change constantly; it's great to remember that we always have SOME choices.
and yet...and yet