i don't know you that well but i do know this type of situation. why not agree to spend some time appart, get your affaiers (pun intended) in order, adjust your kids to the divorce, get that through with and THEN resume this wonderful hot and heavy romance. If your wife finds out you committed adultry you WILL get your butt screwed to the wall during the divorce and and angry spouse may or may not feel compelled to be the best person she can be during coustody hearings. same for her and her family. Besides i'm sure you two wil make much better partners when you dont have all thsi hanging over your heads. if this relationship is a beautifeaul thing don't taint it by makeing it a dirty secret. besides it doesn't sound like much fun to base your relationship on "makeing it through" a tough situation together.
Makeing the world a better place, one pouff of fairy dust at a time