"Repay bad with good."
I like it. Not a new concept, but one of those things that one likes to be reminded of now and again.
Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in our own little world. A little compassion and appreciation can go a long way towards making your health better, not to mention cheering up those around you.
I miss being a cashier at the grocery store that I do bookkeeping for. I would make a game out of how many customers I could influence to smile. I would tell jokes and just be generally cheery. Now that I'm cooped up in the office all day it's more difficult for me to feel the same kind of connection with people. Compassion and understanding are things that I find myself lacking more often than not, whereas when I saw all kinds of people every day going through the grocery lines I had much more.
It's healthy to share your appreciation with people. It's healthy to spread a smile or to not be afraid to hum a song as you walk through a crowd.
Cheeriness is good. Be a "delightensome people" and live your life rempli de joie.