The true test of a relationship is it's ability to weather change. You can count on nothing but change in life, so your relationships ability to fluidly change as you mature and grow as a person is the ultimate test of a relationship.
A good solid relationship is based on communication. In a world were things change you cannot subconsioucly expect your loved one not to grow and mature as well. Sometimes people realize they've grown apart. More often they've simply stopped communicating and stopped really know who the other person is. That's where communication is key. If two people are to know there loved one, they should be able to understand and see changes and be comfortable with them. To many people simply hold on to a vision of who their loved one was when they began to date, and miss the amazing changes and growth that can be so bueatiful to witness in the person you love.
Talk to your girlfreind. Be honest with yourself. The fear of being alone is a strange thing that effects people. search deep within yourself to know your feelings. You cannot truly love someone else if you know not yourself. It sounds like you may be avoiding communication because your afraid of what you may say. Be honorable to yourself and her. Talk. about anything and everything. about each other. about your relationship. Find out how she's feeling. How are you to know if she's perhaps feeling the same way if you don't communicate?
As for your sexual drive, there are many factors that affect a persons sex drive. Stress, obligations, most importantly issues within a relationship. That your sex drive has decreased may be a sign of how important you feel these issues you've brought up are.
It's perfectly natural to have fantasys about other women. My Fiance always jokes that the first thing she thinks of when meeting someone for the first time is them naked in a sexual pose. I often will look appreciatingly at a woman. That's aknowledging that everyone is a sexual being, yourself included. There's a difference between a little daydream and being willing to take it a step further. look within yourself to know that difference.
I assume you to are in college,, a time when one is trying to discover who they are. No party to a relatiionship should ever feel they aren't able to find themself because of a relationship.
But then again, nobody said a relationship was easy. it's not. a good relationship takes work and effort. Despite what your mother told you, a relationship does not just occur. A relationship is saying the hard things, having the fights, remebering the little things that you love about them. Love occurs naturally from that effort. A relationship is at times hard work and at times the easiest and best thing you've ever felt. And it's the most rewarding feeling you'll ever feel.
But you have to know yourself first.
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