Can anyone explain John Kerry to me
More over a year now, I have hated John Kerry. Whenever I see him on whatever talk show / news show that he can get airtime on, he angers me. Like most politicians in his situation, he seems to bitch alot about whatever issue he has at hand and not offer any kind of credible solutions. His "I am out to help the common man" schtick is so played. I hate politicians.
I thought he would simply go away when the primary seasons started and more substantial candidates emerged, but instead he is gaining momentum.
Since I am having objectivity problems with this fellow, I was wondering what his stance is on things. What is he doing that seems to resonate so far with the folks who are voting for him? What are his views? What is his plan? In General where does he stand?
Since I cannot seem to be, please be as objective as you can even if you are some Kerry person. Thanks a lot for the information on this fellow. I would like to educate myself on this subject instead of ignoring it.