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Old 01-26-2004, 12:15 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Wandering North America
Getting on without this society...

Okay, first off, I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I guess I most closely relates to living rather than philosophy. Secondly, what follows is to be a long-winded rant meant to serve as an overview of my argument, and at times will make little to no sense; please feel free to reply and ask for elaboration. Thirdly, this does not apply to every one of the 6.4+ billion people on the planet; in fact, I recognize that certain factions are the exact opposite of these points. That said...

I've grown restless. Over the last three years I've begun really analyzing life, and trying to make some sense of it. I haven't drawn any definite conclusions except for this: this can't be it.

Regardless of what you believe about God, death, and existence in general, you cannot genuinely argue that this is the culmination of several thousand years of "civilization". Our current way of life seems so inherently wrong to me that I refuse to succumb to it. Our entire lives are devoted to work and money; maybe not every waking moment, but from a big-picture perspective. We spend the majority of our lives doing things we don't want to do, until we're old and retired, and then we get to "live the life we've wanted to". Meanwhile, we live lives of excess and indulge in useless "luxuries". We've degraded sex from a necessary procreational tool to a recreational activity, and aside from money, hold it as the second highest priority in life. We engage primarily in meaningless conversations of no substance, and occupy ourselves with trivial tasks, routines, and jobs to keep from thinking too much about anything that really matters, like God or death or even the world around us. We lie, cheat, steal, kill, and hurt others, and write it off as human nature when in fact, they are products of social nature. We continually destroy nature and rape the planet to accomodate our exponentially-growing population of stupid, individually-hedonistic people. We get seemingly worse and worse with every generation.

Like I said, this does not apply to every single person or group of people, but it does apply to the majority of humanity. I'm planning on becoming a Buddhist monk, because their views most closely resemble mine, and their way of life makes the most sense to me. I can't do this anymore. I can't accept the world the way it is. I can't go through the motions and become complacent with this life.

Without delving into the even-larger-yet-closely-related "Why are we here?" topic (I'll get to that in Tilted Philosophy), I was just wondering if you all could provide some insight into why we live the way we do. Do you see the world this way and just deal with it? Do you feel the way I do? Or do you see it from a more positive perspective? Help me understand and find some peace of mind.

That's just my opinion; I could be wrong.
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