I believe that both lying and stealing are both methods of depriving and/or taking truth. If you take the (now cliche'd) loaf of bread for your family, you're depriving the truth of what commerce (as an establishment) is to the merchant. If you lie to get the loaf, the same result occurs. I don't believe there is a good or noble lie or act of stealing. They both are acts of some form of cowardice, no matter how small thy may seem. I'm most certainly not without guilt in this, but I think that a 'good' lie or a 'good reason' to steal is just a matter of justification inside you're own head, you know? If you convince yourself that said cause is worthy, from stealing to feed your starving family or self (when you could go to a food pantry), to telling your boss that your car won't start (when you could've got out of bed earlier), then you can turn that feeling of nobility and justification into a reasonable act. I don't mean to be redundant, but that 's how it is. You lie you lie, you steal you steal... I can't see much of a grey area, no matter how one justifies the acts. Interesting question!