I'm happy to see that the U.S. has the foresight to see that the problem doesn't end in Iraq, or even Syria. Although I don't want to see more wars and more deaths, once we started, it would be foolish to stop at this one dramatic step.
Arafat is--and always has been--a problem. He has shown that he will not negotiate, or if he sits down to the table--he rarely ever sticks with the agreed upon conditions.
Someone will have to make a bold move in that area. It seems to be similar to the Iraqi backing of Hussein as long as they thought he was still a threat to hurt them. Once his power appeared to be dwindling, the masses felt comfortable enough to turn against him. What will make the peace-loving members of the middle east have the courage to do the same?
As always, I hope for peace and fear the toll.
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit