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Old 01-22-2004, 05:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
Best recent Commercials

What commercial(s) stick out in your mind as being the best recently?
Funny or serious- funny are usually better.

The various Lottery ticket commercials- one of a man eating a bowl of cereal and hears his name called on the radio as the big winner, and you watch his cereal bowl drop to the ground.

The current black & white M&M commercial with Dorothy.

The Honda one introducing their first robot- can't remember the name of it. Ah, the technology of the future is upon us.

The infamous Mitzubishi one with "without you" song and the girl dancing in the passenger seat.

Oh, I love the Vern Fonk ones because they are so cheesy and stupid, they are funny. Vern cracks me up- I just want to shake his hand on comment of his unique commerials.

A touching one- at Christmas time, a Toys for Tots commercial. when the boy walks up to a Marine standing still, and asks if he knows Santa and can gives him a letter. The man never looks at him, but opens to take the toy, then as the boy walks away, the man looks at the toy and smiles. I can't quite remember all the details, but it is a sweet one.

I have to think of more, I know I saw a couple last night.

Last edited by :::OshnSoul:::; 01-22-2004 at 05:31 PM..

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