New Jedi Order
I'm reading the Star Wars NJO. I'm a little behind on the books, being currently in the middle of Dark Journey, which means Spoiler: Anakin and apparently Jacen just died, though I'm suspicious of that second one. Due to these two things, I'm kind of fed up. I wasn't surprised when Troy Denning went into the slaughterhouse, as that's his trademark as a writer, but I'm sort of discouraged. I'm not overly attached to any character (with the exception of Lando, he is the man with all his crazy schemes), but it seems like they're just trying to be shocking. So I am planning on taking some time off from the series and rejoining it after I get some breathing room. Anyway, for people that are further along, perhaps done, now, is it worth sticking it out? I have lots of other books to read, and I'm just not enjoying this series as much as I enjoyed X-Wing.
it's quiet in here