There are a lot of potential problems, and it's better not to. That said, it's also natural be to attracted to someone at the workplace. For a lot of people, it's the only place where they're likely to meet a lot of other people and get to know them well.
I'd say that if the company is fairly large and the two people work in different departments and don't have to see each other all day, employee dating is probably pretty safe. I used to contract in the operations division at Sun Micro, and there was this one senior design architect who'd been married three times and was working on a fourth. _ALL_ his ex-wives and his fiancee had been, and still were, employees of Sun, some in his division. But it was a big outfit and they didn't work directly with him. So it worked out.
But romance inside your own department, or in a small business, there's a real possibility for trouble especially in the aftermath of a breakup. And of course if one party is the manager and starts showing favoritism to the other party, it just gets ugly for everybody.
Last edited by Rodney; 01-21-2004 at 03:38 PM..