Thanks for all the input.
I could purchase the stuff online, in fact, I have even located a source. I simply thought that it would be a little fun to make it on my own.
And to MrSelfDestruct: I have no intention of holding the TFP responsible for any of MY OWN actions... I realize that you have to place such messages to cover the TFP's ass. I think that it is absolutely horrible that somebody would blame somebody else for their own actions... Just my two cents.
And to kel: Napalm?... what about it? seems a bit useless. Even more so than thermite. And there isnt much science behind it, just gas that burns a bit longer w/ crap dissolved in it.
I am not simply doing this to watch stuff burn. I truly wish to learn something as to what is going on with the reaction.
Perhaps it was a mistake to place this thread in the weaponry forum where it does not really belong. Too late. Oh well.