Originally posted by Dragonlich
Hey, Liquor Dealer, Here's a thought: drop the Rumsfeld crap about "Old Europe". It's just silly. There is no Old Europe, there's only France and Germany opposing the Iraq war..............
If it's going to be payback time, I'd say you should look at the few countries that truly opposed the war. And you can't even hurt them too much, because you might need them as friends later on... Well, except France; you can kick their arse for all I care.
Sorry about the Old Europe/New Europe thing. Germany is going to feel the blunt of US militray realignment - France is.....Who knows or cares at this moment. There are all types of reasons for realignmnet of military assets. Need is the basic reason. Needs have changed. New equipment and tactic are also a big reason - the past month has shown that many of our airborne assets flew out of the continental US. Bases in England and on Diego Garcia make any part of Europe or the middle east reachable. US Naval assets are capable of delivering a larger military than that of most countries on earth in a short time. We have maintained a large presence to deal with a problem that no longer exists and those assets are going to be removed or relocated.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!