Easy: give the exam, but don't make it binding. Just make the results _very public._
Here's my dream scenario. Before you have children, you must write a 10-page, double-spaced typed essay on your theory of raising children and how you would approach certain specified problems in child-raising. You would be required to present this paper orally, on a stage, before an audience of 30 to 50 experienced parents. Each parent would be issued a large sack of rotten tomatoes. As you begin to read, the audience is free to show its disapproval of what you say by throwing tomatoes at you, or show approval by failing to throw them. You of course are permitted to dodge as long as you keep reading, but your mobility is impaired by a five foot chain fastened to your ankle and the stage floor.
By the time you have finished your reading, a relative judgment of your child-rearing skills may be made by the amount of tomato smeared on your body. Anyone with three hits or less gets a certificate. Anyone with 20 or more gets a referral to parenting training.
Now, why can't government run by _sensible_ rules like these? :-)