Originally posted by Crazy_Man
...I am a "responsible smoker"...
Funny...but there's no such thing.
Originally posted by Crazy_Man
My question to all of you is why does everyone think it's so wrong? Like people say they never did it, but automaticly are experts. They will be telling me all the bad things about it, but never mentioning the good about it. It helps calm a person down, and helps clear you're mind(i know cause it makes you loses your short term memory, but to be honest if you can't remember it, it wasn't important enough to remember) and you can just relax, you're mind would be clear of thoughts, so no worries. People will take prescription drugs, that can do the same or more damage but because a doctor gives it to you, it's fine? I know the weed is illegal, is that why it gets such a bad wrap? I always laugh at people that look down on me when I go smoke a j with some friends, boom they think I am trying to act cool or some shit or I am trying to be a badass but my friends walk into the room drunk off there ass and people don't care. Why does society look down on people that smoke weed, is it because it's illegal? I mean you can't honestly tell me that when you're at a club drinking to no end and smoking to no end, that is better then smoking a dime or 1.5 grams? I can never seem to understand how people are so critical of it.
What I am saying is I know doing none of them is better, if you do anything, doing it in moderation is better, but still most things we do are bad for us, so why do we have to look down on people that smoke weed so much, it just doesn't make sense.
Yeah. I get your whole point on how is weed frowned upon but not alcohol and cigarettes? Good point too, let me add.
The people who use these
drugs heavily are dumbasses that have let society make a profit off them. So there's still hope for your marijuana cause my friend. Ex. Canada. As you see, America tried prohibition way back. Back when they gave a shit about their image. But they soon learned that alcohol was a monster they could not stop. *So one day ! bing !, someone says: "Let's legalize alcohol and make billions off the taxes!" And, fraternities were born...
*But that wasn't until after heavy protesting.
My personal opinion is to stay away from it all. Basically,
NO cigarettes and
NO weed. I'm not saying alcohol is fine either but seeing how it's apart of
any night life...
Just for the record, I don't drink.