It is not unusual to be thinking of other girls when your SO is away. That is the way guys are wired. I lived apart from my fiancee for 6 months prior to us getting marriage. We saw each other about twice a month on weekends. I was living in New Orleans and there was so much eye candy that it was hard to abstain. However, when we got together, I was reminded of why we were together. It made it easier to stay faithful. Now that we have been married awhile, of course it is even easier. The urges ease up a bit with age. Just remember that it is very easy to get sex. It is very hard to get a good relationship. If you have a relationship you value, don't do anything to jeopardize it. On the other hand, if there is something missing, then you owe it to yourself to explore other avenues. However, it sounds like your sex life was fulfilling before you lived in different towns. What is it that is missing then?