Originally posted by RelaX
Anyway, webdesign is an excelent choice. And maybe you can moonlight a bit as the 'computerguy', fix computers of friends and their friends and their uncles and stuff like that for $. You don't sound like the kind of guy to do computer maintenance full time, you really need a systematic mind for that and you seem more right-brained (artistic) (I read the thread about you designing your kick-ass tatoo).
What would be even better off course would be designing cases for computers or something, have your cake and eat it too. Unfortunately I can't recall a time when I ever came across such a job so I'm guessing it's pretty rare. Maybe at Dell or Compaq or something...
Maybe you should look into that on a sundayafternoon, but webdesign sounds like a good mainstream choice to me.
Interesting idea with the computer case design. I think you understand where I'm coming from more than anyone else. I'll be sure and take some kind of artistic approach to what I'm looking for.
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home And experience of this place to visit and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster...
--Acknowledge your weaknesses--