Well... as far as doing some of the same things I would do with my friend, I know that it is something my b/f may easily get annoyed with or start wanting to move on to something else. I am much the same way in that respect though, like shopping for instance.. I like to go in, get what I need to get, and leave instead of fiddleing around for hours on end... though sometimes I do just like to dilly dally around sometimes and that isn't something that I've noticed the b/f is too keen on. He doesn't like fish either... so kinda kills getting sushi, though that's something we do together (b/f and I. I mean).... I dunno, there are just some activities that I just can't see him being interested in that I do with my friend... as well I am sure there are activities I can and do do with my b/f that my friend isn't necessarily keen on.... but since we moved here I think we are both just trying to settle in and a lot of things aren't going quite right, plus I'm in the middle of working on myself right now too.
Though I do agree I have spent more time with her than I have with my b/f. But I have been trying not to so much since she and I started working at the same IHOP.
Guess we'll just see if things improve there, I just told my friend to be open and upfront about things as they come up instead of venting them to me.
Thanks for all of the insight!!! I love you guys