I think Scientists are amazing and I have much respect for them, in general, because of how they theorize. They know that there is a 50/50 chance their first theory could not work. They know that a hypothesis may come up differently as they first thought- but they keep redoing tests and hypotheses until they come up with a solid answer.
Basically- 1: they don't give up, 2: they believe in any possibility
3: they take their time 4: They are not out to prove something, they are out to discover it.
Scientists have the more open minds than many of us do.
They have seen that Energy Flow is in and around everything.
But- to find proof as a human when it comes to the Truth is impossible. Has it happened yet? No. Therefore, it will never be.
How about this- you come to a situation, theory, idea- and ask, "does it work for me? Does it make me feel good?" then conclude your Truth from the answer. That is Your Truth. We all have our own- and that's fine- because, afterall, we've been given Free Will.