"... a being of infinite power, ability, and intellegence, a being that can do anything according to his will..."
Is it so hard to imagine humans as such a species? Sure, you can present an obvious counter-argument such as "Can you create a star like the sun?" I'd however, answer - "Yes." Then of course, you'd ask me to prove it. Then when I could (or would) not; you'd label me a liar or a fraud.
The point is, man (humans) can 'do' anything there will allows them too. Just think about that for a moment. We 'create' new realities on a daily basis. Maybe not the scale of creating a star from 'thin-air'; but could early man travel to the moon? Even these examples are too simple to even begin to describe the potential of the mind.
"If you have but the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains".
Stop limiting yourself by your thinking. Stop 'believing' that you are 'lesser than god' or even apart from god. Overcome your fear of responsibility...its YOU who's responsible for your life, not god or anyone else. People cling to the notion of god as some supreme being that lives "somewhere" and chooses to act or not act because it gives them an out. It allows them to always have 'someone else to blame', or 'someone else to thank'.
I'm not saying that there is not a god, or god doesn't exist. EVERYTHING (even things you cannot see, hear, taste, smell, measure, or even conceive of) is god. Including you. There is nothing that is not god and there is no degree of 'godness'. All of god is perfect and equal in magnificance.
I'm not asking you to believe me. You already know I'm right. Whether or not you choose to accept it is up to you. Read the bible or study your religion while keeping this thought in the forefront of your mind. I'll bet that where you previously sensed inconsistencies, or possible 'errors' you'll now understand what the *real* meaning is. Even "life" in general. Measure or look at life through these goggles I've given you. Or if you prefer, think of it as a frame to a jig-saw puzzle. Tell me that the pieces don't now fall into place.
Its up to you.
My life's work is to bridge the gap between that which is perceived by the mind and that which is quantifiable by words and numbers.