[off topic convo]
Not so with school, trust me, I've thought of this often and I've spoken to a whole lot of people about it (including teachers).
The problem with our educational system is that it has to serve so many individuals. It simply can't tailor something, so it imposes a generic education on you that teaches you a whole lot of stuff you don't care about and won't need and no amount of 'putting your back into it' is going to help you learn that stuff. Simply because you do not value most of what they are teaching you. You will probably never value most of what they are teaching you simply because you will not need it.
What they instead do is mold your mind and make it receptive to taught solutions and introduce you to (hopefully) the best kind of techniques and information on every possible aspect you may encounter. This makes it so that you will not truly LEARN something until you come across it in real life.
Haven't you ever had that experiance? Where you HATE a course and do as little as possible work on that course, then a while later you run into a problem and the methods and techniques you HATED in that course, you now LOVE, simply because you they solve your problem.
I hope I am making sense here.
So to sum it up, education is nice, but it's useless until you get some real experiance and run into some real problems and unless you are going in a direction you like. Education DOES ensure (if it's good) that you'll gain experiance quicker, but only if they taught you the right things.
This, BTW, is also why it is always a good idea to hang on to they books they made you buy. They can be lifesavers sometimes.
That sound also answer
charlesesls question.
[off topic convo]
Sorry about that... I feel strongly on that particulair subject and I felt argumentative
Anyway, webdesign is an excelent choice. And maybe you can moonlight a bit as the 'computerguy', fix computers of friends and their friends and their uncles and stuff like that for $. You don't sound like the kind of guy to do computer maintenance full time, you really need a systematic mind for that and you seem more right-brained (artistic) (I read the thread about you designing your kick-ass tatoo).
What would be even better off course would be designing cases for computers or something, have your cake and eat it too. Unfortunately I can't recall a time when I ever came across such a job so I'm guessing it's pretty rare. Maybe at Dell or Compaq or something...
Maybe you should look into that on a sundayafternoon, but webdesign sounds like a good mainstream choice to me.