Originally posted by opentocomments
Its for people who dont do all that crap and need a clique to hang out with because they arent stong enough to resist alone.
Your quote could apply to ANY sort of organized or unorganized group of like-minded people. Subsitute, say, the college Greek System into your statement, and it holds true also.
I'm not here to flame, but state that LIKE ALL GROUPS AND IDEOLOGIES, there are extremeists. sXe is no different.
I myself spent part of my college years sXe (it wasn't for me though... I eventually gave in to peer pressure - i was weak!
) and sXe "runs" in my family. There is absolutely NOTHING WRONG AT ALL with sXe philosophy. I think of my older cousin who kept an edge thru his entire teens/20's. He had his first beer at the age of 30. ...then I think of all the "wasted" nights I had in college/post and try to find some "positive"spin for it all. There are none. Meanwhile, my cousin found time to hone his skills as an illustrator, start a band, become a fantastic skateboarder and land a job with EA games. I often think that if I compiled all the nights drinking and spent them productively who knows what I could have accomplished?
So, thats my .02