Jobs with computers?
This is kind of a unspecific, longshot question.
I've been into computers for many years now since my dad first brought home our Apple 2gs. I'm not what people would call a classic "geek" or "nerd", so computers aren't my life in any way. However they do hold a special spot in it and will always do so outside of my social and professional life. I've met a few people here and there lately who share similar stories as me and are making great money with computers. I'm basically wondering what some of the options are that you guys know of. I don't have any programming skills, but I enjoy working with computer hardware and all. One guy worked for some large networking company, and the other was some kind of consultant.
My thing is that these guys are around my age (early 20's) and already picked up good paying jobs that seemed to require un-extreme amounts of work in comparison to their high payoff. I'm wondering where I missed out!
Fill me in on what you think might work. I'm a good learner. I'm interested in both working for someone (networking..) or even better, starting some kind of mini-company up and going from there.
Thanks for any opinions
edit: I'm also just getting my feet in some Real Estate work and am an artist in my spare time. Maybe I can incorporate one of these. Just wanted to maybe spark some more ideas.
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--Acknowledge your weaknesses--
Last edited by -Ever-; 01-14-2004 at 12:20 PM..