I found this rather interesting. A couple of weeks ago, I was at work, helping my supervisor move a printer to another division within our building. Another supervisor and her subordinate came by and chatted us up for a bit about us locating the printer and what not. I'm honestly not really paying much attention to the conversation, i'm inside myself planning the logisitcs of the final move of this printer, and all of the sudden, I am feeling this "heat", if you will, go from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.
I' m like "what the hell?", and out of the corner of my eye, i see the female supervisor, petite and rather cute, lookin me over. I don't acknowledge it, outwardly, anyways. So I'm gettin kinda turned on by this, but not to the point where i loose it. At this point, im kinda bathing in this heat, enjoying it for what it was. So i say to myself, "Hey, maybe I should return the favor." so I generate some of my own heat, kinda like acknowledging what was going on, and the damnest think happens. This woman like jumps backward, kinda like gets knocked over, and i caught the loook on this womans face as i did this, it was one of shock and horror, like she was busted or something. I'm a bit freaked out by what happened, but only briefly, and i think to myself, "Cool!" Whatever convo was going on ends, and i procede to assist in the relocation of the printer.
Last edited by Toecutter; 01-13-2004 at 05:55 PM..