lol.. the sox fans and cubs fan keep dreaming.. If the curse was easy to beat, the sox woulda won in '86.
Contreras isnt bad.. infact he's a very very good 4th starter (albeit a bit pricey) and Lieber's no pushover. We also have a Jorge De Paula from the minors who pitched a few good innings for us last year.
besides.. Brown is better now than Clemens is this year, and Vasquez is better this year than Pettitte is. Pettitte had 4+ ERA in the most lefty friendly parks in the league, and Clemens doesnt last long in games.. around 6 ip a game. .. .. .. Arg.. wtf, who am I kidding, I miss Pettitte and Clemens..
ps = Texas has Chan Ho PArk~~ w00t.. go Korea. (he'll have a rebound yr.. pick him up in fantasy league undrafted
