As a Yankee fan, this just makes me mad... because, last year, every yankee fan, and almost every ballpark he visited everyone gave him a goodbye cheer. Even in the frikkin World Series, the other team had a standing o for this guy.
He ignores the Yankee fans that have been so nice to him, after parading around his fake farewell tour, and has stabbed the Yankees in the back
This would have been surprising news to anyone except that the world hates the Yankees, and everyone thinks this is a good move..
Ugh... Clemens should have quit while he was ahead.. Minute Maid Park is not as friendly as Yankee Stadium, and comon.. why finish your HOF career in "Minute-Maid Park" when you can do it in "Yankee Stadium"

Ugh, and the YAnkees are also the bad guy for letting Pettitte go. his "I got no respect" whining. Believe me, when I say that he got TONS of respect from NY fans, had been my favorite pitcher for the last 5 years. Not to mention the offer the Yankees made to Pettitte. HE was the one hatin on the Yankees. Prolly thought he could make a lot more with money with his 4+ ERA but 20+ wins.