Exactly HOW did we reach the conclusion that God was Jesus/Jesus was God???
Some folks even have elaborate scenarios where "God empties God's self into mortal form..." What?!!?? Where did that come from? Its amazing, the lengths we (humans) will go to contrive supporting rationale for some pre-conceived notion. Why can't the simplest answer be the 'right answer'?
What if Jesus was a man just like anyone else, except he 'got it'. He just understood the relationship (logical, not interpersonal) with god an humans. Of course it makes sense that we (humans) would kill him - probably out of fear or some derivitive emotion like jealousy. AND it would make sense that after we did, we worshipped him as GOD because only then did we even begin to understand what we'd done. That realization is the interpretation of "Jesus died for our sins". Its guilt...nothing else.
My life's work is to bridge the gap between that which is perceived by the mind and that which is quantifiable by words and numbers.