Originally posted by asaris
[B]That's not quite right. Firstly, as we say in the creeds, "He descended into hell". Exactly what that means is certainly open to dispute, but I've never heard anyone claim that Christ spent his three days dead in heaven. Secondly, we teach the bodily resurrection of Christ. After Christ rose from the dead, he had (and has) a body. A human body. Thirdly, Christ's body wasn't, as you put it, a "human shell". He was really, truly, and fully human, just like he was really, truly, and fully God.*
Depends. Jesus' body was not physical as you or me. Hence you have him walking on water and walking through walls. The body that was spoke of was his glorified body.
Going from there. Jesus was not God and God is not/was not Jesus. I suppose it really depends on what sect of beliefs you buy into. The Trinity though answers this question, although it is one of the most overwhelming concepts I have ever explored. Bottom Line three beings are one, yet all three are distinct.
But to answer the original question Asaris hit the nail on the head in regard to sin.