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Old 01-10-2004, 09:35 AM   #12 (permalink)
I'm baaaaack!
This is where I disagree. My boyfriend were only going out for 8 months before we moved in together last April. Everything has been going great. These are the reasons why it has been going so well:

1) I saw him in his own apartment with another roomate before we moved in together. I got to see how he lived- how often he cleaned, how often he bought groceries, what he ate and cooked, how late he stayed up, how late he slept in, how often he handed over the remote, and whether or not he snored. I also got to talk to his roomate about him when he wasn't around, to see he if was different when I wasn't there.

2) I work days, he works nights. That way, we each get our alone time, but also have time before bed to see eachother.

3) We can get along fine apart from eachother. If he isn't home from work until four hours after his shift is over, that's fine. I can entertain myself, and I trust him, so I don't need to keep tabs on him.

4) We make decisions together. I don't go out and spend a bunch of money without telling him I am going to, just incase there is a bill that we need to have paid that I may have forgotten. This doesn't mean that I can't spend my money freely, but it means that I can only do so after all the bills are taken care of, which are usually split 50/50.

5) We know eachother's boundaries, and have known them. He knows not to read through my poerty journal, and I know not to wake him up too early. We don't overstep, and we don't assume the other knows.

You just have to be mature enough with eachother to make it work. As long as the two of you are able to get alone time if you need it, and know what does and does not piss the other off, I think you should be fine.
You don't know from fun.
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