Two things...
if you are just getting a wet secreation, but no sensation then it is most definitely not female ejaculation as I understand it. It is more likely that you have some pretty power glands pumping out lubrication. It's similar to the stuff in semin that isn't actually sperm. Just natural lubrication. There are times when I'm so wet I get beads of it dripping down from my opening. We usually put a pillow and a towel under my hips during oral cause it soaks stuff up and keeps my beau from craining his neck so much to access my business.
mmmmmm queefs (sp) those vaginal toots. A quick fix is to not let your beau go ALL the way out and then back in during sex. That pulls in and traps air. The next time he REALLY thrusts it will come out with some force and noise. My Beau and I just laugh it off now cause well we make all kinds of noises when we are fooling around. Everything from the slurping of his tongue to the smacking of chests or thighs and buns from behind :-D. His nuts even make a nice flapping sound sometimes. Anyway unless it's deathly quite I don't see why queefing would be so embarassing if your beau is a nice guy.