Thanks for bringing this up in the forum where we can discuss it a little easier than in the journals!
Originally posted by ARTelevision
Here's the focus of my concern for the shibboleth known as "questioning authority." It is quite often done for the wrong reasons. The wrong reasons are egoistic and romantic notions of self-image and self-serving agendas. The hypocrisy involved in these sorts of rebellions are dangerously irresponsible.
Hey, what happened to you dumbing it down for us laymen?
Shibboleth = n. A word or pronunciation that distinguishes people of one group or class from those of another.
In any case, what I'm saying - and I'm talking in respect to TFP - is that there
may be people on here who have questioned authority for the wrong reasons. To be ballsy, or daring, or to stir trouble. But the issue that I have with your initial entry when you wrote:
It is clearly necessary and dangerous to question authority in many of the world’s repressive cultures. To do so there is indeed heroic. It is not so daring nor impressive an act here.
is the fact that I thought it made the generalization that all people on TFP were doing it for that reason. Which I know is not the case.
Although I just looked at your journal again and see that the above statement has been changed to
It is not so daring nor impressive an act in the socio-cultural context of our contemporary "free societies".
And that you specified that you're not talking about TFP. You're talking about society. But that must have something to do with it since you said "Some issues raised in recent days gave rise to my journal entry." Unless you're talking about something else huge that I just missed...and this
could be applied to TFP, couldn't it?
My original point being that I believe it is healthy and normal to question authority so long as you're doing it for the right reasons. I guess everybody has their own definition of the right reasons, but I define it as when you are questioning something because you have an honest interest or question, and that you are questioning it because you are looking out for the general welfare of the community, not because you want to be a troublemaker.
You know, I tend to type in philosophical generalities - even when there are specific instances of things occurring.
I noticed.
Thanks again for posting this here.