Originally posted by AfterBurn
That's what i usually do but she'll definatly know i'm trying to pick her up because no guy asks a girl to do something without wanting something in return. I think the whole act thing will work because she'll get to know 'me' and when i do talk to her i'll already have points.
No guy asks a girl to do something without wanting something in return???? Oh please....someone say it isn't so. I think this is a VERY immature attitude to take (forgive me for saying so) and if that's the way you truly feel and think....I hope this girl doesn't give you the time of day. It is not about
points either. *Minx rolls eyes and shakes her head* As analog put it so well, a fake conversation is no way to try to start anything with this girl.
And I agree 110% with Plan9. Just because this girl is "hot" doesn't make her a goddess. She could be a supreme bitch...she could be a complete idiot that cannot carry on a conversation at all....she could be the most selfish, nasty person you would ever have the misfortune to meet. Try to get to know her first (even a little) before you start trying to "fool" her into thinking your a stand up guy based on the "planned" conversations you allow her to overhear.
You know, the best way to enter into a GOOD relationship is to be honest and be yourself.