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Old 01-08-2004, 08:53 AM   #32 (permalink)
Location: UCSD, 510.49 miles from my love
red wings are a play on words from just 'wings' meaning a pilot, 'red' meaning during a period. Therefore, 'red wings' are getting your wings during the period, or having sex with her while she's bleeding.

I'm not freaked out or upset or anything like that. She was hella embarassed, but I reassured her that I wasn't upset or grossed out, etc. The whole thing just struck me as being pretty odd.
Not many guys can say this. Sex during a period is actually really good for her, because of all the benefits mentioned above, plus, its sex, if you dont like it, dont look.

Try it sometime, when the cramps dont feel as bad after sex, she'll love you as her own personal painkiller
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